Town Hall Meetings
Members have the right to use the clubhouse of their association to peaceably assemble to discuss any matter of interest to other members.
The assembly can be called a gathering or a "meeting" provided the invitation does not wrongly imply it is an official meeting of the membership. Owners are allowed' to advertise the meeting through mailings, postings, and on bulletin boards, provided the bulletin board postings stay within the association's published guidelines. Owners cannot transact association business at these gatherings or town hall meetings. For votes on association business matters, owners must petition the board to call a special meeting of the membership.
If a town hall meeting is related to an issue that is before the membership for a vote such as the election of directors, a special assessment, an amendment to the governing documents, etc., the association must provide access to common area facilities.
If the board calls a town hall meeting, proper notice must be given. If a quorum of directors will be in attendance, at least four-day's notice must be given.
If the board intends to vote on business at the meeting, it becomes a town hall meeting coupled with a board meeting and appropriate notice must be given.