Checklist of Items Needed by Inspector of Elections for Board Elections

___Printed List of All Owners/Voters (Unit/Lot Addresses)

___Signed Agreement

___Deposit Check

___Election Rules (Required by law)


___Number of Directors to be Elected

___CC&Rs (Only if there are no Election Rules)

___Preferred Election Date and Time

___Three sets of Printed Mailing Labels: (1) Nomination Forms (2) Pre-Ballot or General Notice (3) Ballots

___Contact Information for all directors. All must receive a written certification and report from the
Inspector of Elections to satisfy California Civil Code Section 5120 (b). The contact information
may be in the form of an email address or street address.


Additional items may be required for other types of elections. Call for information. Our proposals for election services include a list of all required documents.

Thank You

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